2024/25 Offsite Schools

Affiliated Schools

As a community based art studio we are lucky to be able to also offer our programs to neighboring schools throughout Brooklyn. Our program has been working with NYC PS since our inception in 2013, offering a variety of classes and camps. Parents have raved about our programs throughout the years. Here are some testimonials!

"My daughter has taken a number of classes with CBK over the years and she always loves them - the staff is hands-on and fun, and the projects are well thought-out. Sewing & Fashion Design was a particular hit. She learned the basics of using a sewing machine, picked the design for a dress, dyed the fabric, and sewed a dress that she was happy to wear afterwards. And it looked great! She got to make lots of little projects too, like mini purses for her dolls."

"Our son loves CBK’s after school ceramics class for kindergarten students at Brooklyn New School.  Every week, he excitedly reported to us what he had made in the studio and showed us his creations.  After schools closed due to COVID-19, CBK continued to offer engaging weekly Zoom classes and even took the time to mail supplies to each student.  Our son has discovered a real passion for working with clay thanks to this wonderful program."

Beansprouts Nursery School I A Brooklyn Tradition Since 1980

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Offsite Classes



BNS - Kids Clay (Grades: K)

Sept 9th - Jan 13th

(Class Full)

BNS - Kids Clay (Grades: K)

Most arts are purely decorative, but ceramic pieces have long been a useful part of our everyday life. As budding ceramic artists, students will be working in both two and three-dimensional forms. Using a wide range of hand-building techniques like pinching, coiling, and slab assembly to create free-standing objects and functional items (they can actually use!) We'll introduce a special paint called glaze, which is used on the surface of the clay to create designs and patterns, allowing students to find their own artistic style. All these projects are taken back to our studio and fired on our kiln. This class is sure to help mold your child's creativity!

**GRADES: K **

15 Classes
9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13
10/14, 11/11, 12/23, 12/30, 1/20
2:45 - 3:45 pm
Brooklyn New School



BNS - Cartooning & Illustration (Grades: 3-5)

Sept 9th - Jan 23rd

(Class Full)

BNS - Cartooning & Illustration (Grades: 3-5)

From posters, flyers, and educational materials to magazines, books, video games, and films, illustration is all around us. We'll learn how to communicate ideas simply and stylishly through fun and foundational illustration and drawing projects throughout this after school class. Beginning with the fundamentals of figure drawing, still-lifes, shading, proportion, and perspective, we'll hone our skills in realism, exploring a variety of mediums along the way: charcoal, conte crayon, pastels, inks, colored pencils, and graphite of varying hardness and softness. But we'll also learn to develop a personal and distinctive style by looking at comics, cartoons, anime, and more, translating concepts like emotion, movement, and personality to a variety of visual work. We'll use sequential art seen in graphic novels and storyboards to develop students' ability to communicate complex ideas with a creative emphasis, exploring new ways to share both personal and fictional narratives, as well as moods and actions. Students will hone both story-telling abilities and drawing skills through fun projects that put them right in the middle of the action.

**GRADES:3rd - 5th**

16 Classes
9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/2, 1/9, 1/16, 1/23
10/4, 11/1, 11/29, 12/27
3rd - 5th grade
2:45 - 3:45 pm
Brooklyn New School



BNS - Ceramics (Grades: 1-2)

Sept 13th - Jan 24th

(Class Full)

BNS - Ceramics (Grades: 1-2)

Most arts are purely decorative, but ceramic pieces have long been a useful part of our everyday life. As budding ceramic artists, students will be working in both two and three-dimensional forms. Using a wide range of hand-building techniques like pinching, coiling, and slab assembly to create free-standing objects and functional items (they can actually use!) We'll introduce a special paint called glaze, which is used on the surface of the clay to create designs and patterns, allowing students to find their own artistic style. All these projects are taken back to our studio and fired on our kiln. This class is sure to help mold your child's creativity!

**GRADES: 1st - 2nd**

16 Classes
9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20, 1/3, 1/10, 1/17, 1/24
10/4, 11/1, 11/29, 12/27
1st - 2nd
2:45 - 3:45 pm
Brooklyn New School

Arts + Academics Homework Club

Our Homework Club provides students with a safe, creative environment for day-time art activities, and homework help!  CBK Teachers would assist students with homework assignments and offer academically informed art activities during the day that can be scaffolded into our after school programming. 

With dismissal times varying from school to school and with many of our students traveling from home, CBK is helping to fill that void with our Arts + Academics Homework Club! We will be offering our After School families the option to join us up to 3 hours earlier in the afternoon.

CBK’s Arts + Academics Homework Club would run from 12:30 pm until 3:30 pm followed by our After School classes. Our program is designed for flexibility allowing families to add this on as needed or opt to sign up for the full session with a minimum requirement of 1 hour participation for the day and up to the full 3 hours in the studio. Rate is based on hours and number of days selected, offering a discounted rate when you register for the full session.

We hope that this program will support the wonderful parents and kids in the CBK community with a flexible option for day-time programming as we navigate the school year.

**You must be registered for our After School program to join our Homework Club. To sign up use the register button provided in any of our after school classes listed above**

Virtual Class Information

** Refund Policy & Shipping **

All sales are final; no refunds once the box ships. If you request a cancellation before the box ships, the owner may grant a refund depending on the circumstances. If you are granted a cancelation you agree to accept a refund charge, a small percentage of each transaction.

We package all of our boxes in Ohio, taking as many safety precautions as possible when assembling these boxes. We are disinfecting items while wearing gloves and masks. If there is damage to your items during shipping, please reach out to rene@createdbykidsnyc.com. We will do what we can to make it right.sitate to reach out! By signing below you are agreeing to our refund policy.****PAYPAL has changed its policy and now charges a fee with every refund, this is a small percentage of each transaction. CBK is not responsible to for this fee, this fee will be automatically deducted out of all refunds through paypal. If a refund is approved by Rene we are happy to refund through other payment apps (like venmo) to avoid this fee.*****

** Class Safety **

Our number one priority is the safety of students and staff at CBK. We believe that visual arts are an important form of communication and expression, and that having a creative outlet can be deeply therapeutic, especially in difficult times. We use a password for all our Zoom classes to help secure our classes from any unwanted outside interference. This can be found on the project PDF's we email each week. Our online classes will involve children using tools and materials in an active setting. We recommend that you supervise your child during these classes when they are using any materials we send in our art boxes. Our teachers and studio are not responsible for any injuries that may be caused during our virtual classes. Please read our disclaimer on our registration form before you sign up for classes.

** Missed Classes **

If your child misses their zoom lesson we will not be able to offer a makeup class at this time. We send over detailed instructional PDF's and links to technical videos with each project. These can be used to help catch your child up before the next class. If they are not able to find the time to catch up before the next class, the teacher will do their best to help them during the following class.

** Concerns During Class **

If you have any concerns during class, please do not hesitate to reach out the owner Rene@createdbykidsnyc.com. We want this class to be a fun, positive experience for all and we are always here to listen and learn what works best for our families.

OFFSITE Class Information

** Refund Policy**

All registration sales are final; no refunds will be issued. In the event of temporary closure at any point during the school year due to government recommendations/public health and safety, all classes may move online depending on the length of the closure. We regret that we will not be able to offer refunds in this event, as we incur much of our costs upfront as a small family-owned business and make preparations well ahead of time for your child to have the best experience with CBK. If we are unable to provide online classes, we will be in contact with the school and families on how we will make up the missed time. It has been and will continue to be our priority to provide the students with the full content of any classes missed due to a shutdown.

** We do not accept payment plans at this time **

By registering for in-person classes, you agree to accept online classes (when available) in lieu of a refund in the event of temporary closure beyond our control. If a child misses any classes whether it is due to any illness, or events out of our control, no refunds or make-up classes will be given. We will do all we can to make sure they are caught up when they are able to return to class.  

** Class Safety **

Our number one priority is the safety of students and staff at CBK. We believe that visual arts are an important form of communication and expression, and that having a creative outlet can be deeply therapeutic, especially in difficult times. All BNS classes will be held outside until further notice by the school. If the weather is not cooperating classes may be moved inside for the day.

All our staff is fully vaccinated. Students and teachers will be masked while in class, even when we are outside. We will also keep the kids socially distanced while in class. We will be providing individual studnets with their own work areas, with their own tools as to not share contaminated materials. We will also have disinfecting supplies on hand to offer to students during the class.

** Missed Classes **

If your child misses a class we do not offer make up classes or refunds. We will do our best to help catch them up when they are able to return to class. Please refer to the our refund policy paragraph above to read how we handle classes missed due to a school-wide shutdown.

** Concerns During Class **

If you have any concerns during class, please do not hesitate to reach out the owner Rene@createdbykidsnyc.com. We want this class to be a fun, positive experience for all and we are always here to listen and learn what works best for our families.

After School Class Information

** Refund Policy & Missed Classes **

**For more in depth details regarding the information below please check out our safety policies & general information page**

All registration sales are final; no refunds will be issued. In the event of temporary studio closure at any point during the 2022-2023 school year due to government recommendations/public health and safety, all classes may move online depending on the length of the closure. If we are unable to provide online classes, we will be in contact with families on how we will make up the missed time. It has been and will continue to be our priority to provide the students with the full content of any classes missed due to a shutdown.

By registering for in-person classes, you agree to accept online classes (when available) in lieu of a refund in the event of temporary closure beyond our control.


We try not to transfer students to any other class once the session has started; however, if there is a change to the student’s regular school schedule we will try to accommodate as best we can to get them settled into another one of our classes. Transfers of this nature would only be granted at the discretion of CBK's owner depending on the circumstances, may incur a fee and are not guaranteed.

Missed Classes:

If a child attends class presenting symptoms of illness such as a fever or is recommended by the DOH to quarantine, they will have to miss class, but no refunds will be given for ANY missed classes out of our control. We will do all we can to make sure they are caught up when they are able to return to class.

Our class schedule does not allow for make up days, whether it be trading to another day or adding additional days to the end of the session. We always do our best to catch students up upon their return and appreciate your understanding.

Given the current guidelines due to COVID there could be a chance your child might miss class, so please be mindful of this before you register.



**At this time we have been lucky to not have any cases connected to our studio**

If at any time a student tests positive for Coronavirus, the studio will report the case to The Department of Health and contact all families at the studio. We will follow the recommendations the DOH provides us with, which may include a shut-down period up to 14 days. Depending on the length of the shut-down, we may move classes online. We will be in communication with our families, updating them as we figure things out. We regret that we will not be able to offer refunds in this event, as we incur much of our costs up front as a small family-owned business and make preparations well ahead of time for your child to have the best experience with CBK.

**Our registration form will outline our refund policy, it will need to be signed before registering for classes**

Any questions or concerns can be directed to CBK owner Rene Czika, rene@createdbykidsnyc.com

** Pick Up Service Terms **

CBK will be offering it's After School pick up services again for our fall session. For a school to be considered for a pick up we must know the distance and dismissal time for the school. As this is contingent on the walkability of the school’s location, as we will not be able to use public transportation during pick-up. If your school is approved for pick up we ask that the parents help to coordinate a small group of 8 kids or more. We will help to add to this number once a group has formed by reaching out to any families we know from the school. This service is on a first come first serve basis.

Additional safety guidelines:
-Masks are optional at this time
-Each week parents are required to fill out a student health questionnaire in order for us to pick up their child.
-Temperatures will be taken at the studio door upon arrival

There may be an additional fee charged depending on the schools dismissal time. We will let you know if and what this fee is once we gather all the necessary information. If you are interested in our pick up service please reach out to Rene@createdbykidsnyc.com.

** Concerns During Class **

If you have any concerns during class, please do not hesitate to reach out the owner Rene@createdbykidsnyc.com. We want this class to be a fun, positive experience for all and we are always here to listen and learn what works best for our families.